Relaxation (engl.)

Learn to relax: 5 effective relaxation techniques for more serenity in everyday life and the best workshops, online courses & seminars.

Why is relaxation so important?

Do you find it hard to switch off after a long day at work? Are you constantly under pressure? Are you plagued by insomnia and anxiety? These are all typical signs of stress in everyday life and at work. It is therefore important that we learn to relax. In other words, techniques that are available to us in stressful situations and immediately give us more serenity. If we switch back to a state of relaxation after a stressful situation, our breathing becomes deeper and calmer, our blood pressure drops and our muscles relax. The initial inner turmoil subsides and we visibly feel lighter. We at calmbase help you to release your inner tensions with our diverse offers, to bring your body, mind & soul back into harmony and to learn how to relax. We also present the best 5 relaxation techniques against stress and anxiety for beginners.

5 Relaxation Techniques: Relaxation for Stress in Everyday Life and at Work

Relaxation through yoga

When it comes to the topic of relaxation, yoga is one of the first practices that pops into our heads.

A regular yoga practice leads to more calm and serenity in everyday life. The aim of yoga is to unite body and mind. The mixture of flowing movements and beneficial stretches releases tension and strengthens the whole body. Often the yoga postures (asanas) are combined with meditations and breathing techniques (pranayama). Yoga classes are often introduced with a short meditation. This helps to prepare for the upcoming session, to collect oneself and to calm down.

Our tip: Get on your yoga mat as soon as you get up and do 10 sun salutations in a row. You are a yoga beginner and looking for an introduction to your yoga practice? Our qualified yoga coaches will be happy to advise you.

Relaxation through meditation

Regular meditation positively supports stress reduction and helps you learn to relax in everyday life and at work. By calming your thoughts and your whole being, the stress hormones in your blood decrease. This regulates your stress level. The more often you meditate and reach a meditative state of relaxation, the more relaxed you will feel in everyday life.

Our tip: Find a quiet place, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Meditating is not about not thinking about anything. Instead, imagine you are sitting on a big mountain and your thoughts are the clouds that pass you by. Observe them, notice them but don’t follow them.

Relaxation through breathing exercises

You can also learn to relax by breathing more consciously and thus release your inner and outer tensions. Especially in stressful situations at work and in everyday life, breathing techniques help you to regain a clear head. Your initially accelerated breathing becomes slower, your body is supplied with more oxygen, which leads to a relaxed state.

Our tip: Always try to exhale longer than you inhale. This lowers your pulse, which immediately makes you feel calmer and less stressed. Try it out!

Relaxation through mindfulness

When was the last time you fully concentrated on an activity? Are you living in the here and now or are your thoughts already 10 steps ahead? The more things you try to do at the same time, the more stressed you are. So try to become fully present in the now. Because that is what mindfulness means.

Our tip: Observe yourself during small everyday activities. Where are your thoughts when you wash your hands? Can you feel the water on your hands? Be aware of everything you sense and feel in the present moment.

Learning to relax: falling asleep peacefully

People who fall asleep stressed often wake up several times during the night and generally tend to develop chronic sleep disorders more quickly. The solution: learn to relax! The more often you relax your body and mind during the day, the easier it will be for you to switch off in the evening and get a peaceful night’s sleep.

Our tip: Develop an evening routine that can be easily integrated into your daily routine. Instead of taking your mobile phone and laptop into the bedroom, consciously try to do without them for a few hours before bedtime. Prepare a cup of lavender or chamomile tea, darken your room and keepa cool and pleasant room temperature. You will see that even these small changes have a big effect!

Sayings and affirmations for more relaxation in everyday life

Affirmations are simple, clear, positively formulated sayings that help you to supply your subconscious with new information. They also help you to quickly regain your composure in stressful situations. This way you don’t get lost in prolonged stress, but train your brain to deal with challenges and stress in a more relaxed way.

Our tip: Choose the sentences you identify with the most. Try to memorise them or write them down in your diary.

  • I take time for myself and my needs.
  • Today I face challenges calmly and patiently.
  • With each breath I let go of my fears.
  • I breathe deeply, I am calm and relaxed.
  • My body is relaxed, my thoughts are relaxed, I am relaxed.
  • I am without fear and doubt.
  • I take time for the essential things in life.

Relaxation (engl.): Angebote

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Silver Mountain Yoga Retreat in Bad Gastein

Hotel Miramonte, 3, Reitlpromenade, Badberg, Badgastein, Badbruck, Bad Gastein, Bezirk St. Johann im Pongau, Salzburg, 5640, Österreich
  • 8 Teilnehmer
  • Body, Mind, Soul
  • Termine auf Anfrage

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