Bewegung und Stille

Termine auf Anfrage
58B Elizabeth Avenue, London, Vereinigtes Königreich
10 Teilnehmer

Unser Angebot

Bewegung und Stille: Das Denken, Gefühl and Emotional Mich

We would love to have you join our workshop on how to perceive, navigate and dissolve unwanted aspects of yoursel; The Thinking Mind, The Emotional Mind and The Feeling/Sensing Mind. 

This event is taking place online over a 2 day exploration and it’s built around the different layers of our Being, known as Koshas and Stages in the Yoga Nidra world or simply known to you as Parts of You.

We will be diving in observing the nature of those parts focusing in particular on our thoughts, feelings and emotions. The ability to recognise those as they happen, discriminate whether they benefit you or not and dissolve or transform them is undoubtedly one of the greatest skills you could acquire during your lifetime. Our aim is to guide and provide you with practical tools in getting you Out of Your Minds at your own demand. 

Establishing Peace of Mind, Joy and inner Resilience over your feelings, emotions and thoughts it’s surprisingly elusive in nowadays life. Nidra is a tool and a process helping you reconnect with your Inner World of Stillness.

The more you practice what you want, your Little Universe inside shifts into a magical collaboration for the common purpose and benefit of your entire Being. Instead of confusion and frustration generated by the busy Mind you get to cultivate The Clear Mind, The Creative Mind, the I Don’t Mind or why not The Never Mind.

Your Mind gets trapped in a Doing Frenzy in a What’s Outside Loop: The Doing, The Getting, The Other, The Blame and The Never Enough which creates a sense of Fatigue, Emptiness and Lack which you don’t seem to be able to ever fill.

Our invitation is to come and see for yourself, maybe learn how to practice for gaining long life Satisfaction and Enjoyment.. 

Zeiten & Ablauf

12 September 10 - 12.45  Day 1 Gedanken, Gedanken und mehr Gedanken.        13 September 17 - 19.45  Day 2 Was tun mit unseren Gefühlen und Emotionen

Day 1 Thoughts, Thoughts and more Thoughts

  • 10:00 -  Welcome, Nidra intro ...Nidra practice

  • 10:40 -  out of our heads mindful movement & nidra practice

  • 11.40 -  science says... Nidra practice

  • 12.45 -  end of day one, suggested home practice 

Day 2  What to do with our Emotions and Feeling? 

  • 17.00 -  chats, Nidra intro ...Nidra practice 

  • 17:40 -  into our body mindful movement & nidra practice 

  • 18.40 -  science says... Nidra practice 

  • 19.45 -  end event, suggested home practice 


Yoga Nidra is becoming rapidly The New Science of a Lost Art of Resting, Healing and Understanding of ourselves.

We will look at some ancient techniques practiced by the yogis many millennia ago, rediscovered, studied and understood by neuroscience today. We will inlay and interweave the latest neuroscience findings into the ancient and not so ancient forms of Nidra for your benefit now and many years to come. 


  • ID: 4940
  • Teilnehmer: 10
  • Anreise ab: 10:00 Uhr
  • Abreise bis: 12:30 Uhr
  • Kategorie:
  • Unterkunft: Exklusive
  • Transport: Eigenanreise
  • Sprache: Englisch


  • 60 â‚¬
  • Mindesttage einer Buchung: 6


  • Rauchen erlaubt: Nein
  • Haustiere erlaubt: Nein
  • Eigene Lebensmittel erlaubt: Nein
  • Anerkannt für Bildungsurlaub: Nein
English, German
Profil Status
Nicht Verifiziert
60 â‚¬ / Event

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